North Bay Nordic Ski Club Programs

Jackrabbits and Bunnyrabbits
Youth aged 4-9
The Bunnyrabbit program is for children 4-5 years of age and provides an introduction to cross-country skiing while emphasizing a fun, active lifestyle and a love of the outdoors. The leader-to-skier ratios are low so that leaders can better help the kids learn to enjoy skiing! The Bunnyrabbit Program is the first level of the Active Start stage of development and helps children develop a positive self-image while providing an opportunity to make ski-friends, develop fundamental movement skills, and develop an awareness and appreciation of our natural environment.
The Jackrabbit Program is designed for the “FUNdamentals” stage of development (children 6-9 years of age) and is the second level of the skill development program. The objective is for children to learn basic cross-country ski skills (both classic and skating) and to instill a lifelong interest in the sport, thereby enhancing their quality of life and health. The goals of the program are to:
- Encourage FUN and participation
- Develop ABC’s. Agility, Balance, Coordination and speed.
- Frequent cross-country skiing during the season
- Good technique habits developed through repeated practice using the Jackrabbit program awards
- Utilize games and ski playgrounds to develop technique, speed skills and fitness
- Well structured programs
- Develop linear, lateral and multi directional speed
- Develop a team/social atmosphere
- Introduce competition in a team environment whenever possible
- Encourage inter-club social, skill and fitness orientated ski activities e.g. camps
For more information, email: [email protected]

Track Attack
Youth aged 10-12
Refines basic cross-country ski skills and further develops fundamental movement and fundamental sport skills. The Track Attack program offers a challenge to skiers who are ready to move up from level 4 Jackrabbits. This program helps skiers who are interested in moving up to the North Bay Nordic Junior Race Team after completing the program. The goal of this program is to improve skiers' skills and introduce them to higher performance and skills in a positive non-competitive environment.
For more information, email: [email protected]

Private Lessons
All ages
Private ski lessons are availble for up to four skiers at a time and are one hour in duration.
$50 + tax for one or two skiers
$60 + tax for three or four skiers
Lesson participants receive half price rentals and a half price day passes!
Booking Calendar Coming Soon!
Email [email protected] for more information
Junior Racing Team
Ages 8+
The North Bay Nordic Junior Racing team is for athletes who are interested in racing. There is a dry-land training component through the off-season including at least one one practice per week from mid-fall to winter. Winter training includes at least two practices through the week while skiing is possible.
For more information, contact [email protected]

Masters Racing
Are you 30 years or older and still want to race? Why not come out and race against other like minded older athletes via the Ontario and Canadian Masters Cross-country Ski Associations?
The Canadian Masters Cross Country Ski Association was founded in 1980-81 by William Gairdner, Sr. Bill was an active member and skier for many years and was instrumental in getting Masters events launched. From its humble beginnings of just a few members, the association has grown to where annual membership now ranges from 500-800 members. Canada is one of the 28 member nations that make up the World Masters Association and the Canadian Masters represents Canada at these meetings. Ontario Masters Cross-country Ski Association along with other provincial/territorial associations works under the umbrella of the Canadian association to promote masters cross country skiing and racing across Canada.
The Ontario Masters Association organizes training events, a provincial points series for its members, an Ontario Masters Championships and promotes both the National Masters Championships and the World Masters Cup to its members. Each season a series of local races and loppets spread around Ontario are selected to be part of the Ontario Masters Points Series. Besides the fun of participating in those events with other Masters and non-masters racers, Ontario Masters racers earn points based on their finishing position/time input into an age based handicap formula. The points series ‘leader board’ is posted several times through the season. The handicap formula is meant to try to level the field so even the oldest athletes can have a fun competition against the younger ones.
Towards the end of the season an Ontario Masters Championship Weekend is held. At times this is a stand alone event or a partnership with an existing race/loppet that adds in the Masters races. The Championship races are usually10 km Classic & 10 km Free, as well as 20 km Classic & 20 Km Free.
The 2024/25 Championships are to be tentatively hosted by North Bay Nordic on the weekend of February 7-9. The Canadian Masters Championships will be hosted by the Whitehorse Nordic Ski Club from February 19-23. The events are the same as the Ontario Championships: 10 km Classic & Free followed by 20 km Classic and Free. Both Championships are open to anyone with a provincial Masters membership, regardless of ability or standing. By becoming a member of the Ontario Masters, you automatically become a part of the Canadian Masters Association.
One of the yearly highlights of Masters Cross-country ski racing is participating at the Masters World Cup; the defacto Masters World Championships. The 2024 WMC was in Vuokatti, Finland. This season it is in Klosters, Switzerland and in 2026 it will be in Sapadda, Italy. Tromso, Norway will be the host in 2027. Again, to participate in these amazing events, all that is required is the will and enthusiasm to participate and a membership in your country’s Masters association. There are no qualifying standards. The WMC events are governed by FIS and the quality of venue, races, technical operations is on the level of Elite World Cup events. Often the race venues are those used by World Cup events. The difference is that racers range from highly competitive to fun, recreational skiers and everyone is made to feel welcome. For more info check out the Ontario Masters on Facebook or the Canadian Masters website.

Adult Programs
Have you ever wondered what happened to the legendary skiers of North Bay Nordic's past? Are you looking for a group of modestly self-deprecating masters skiers to ski with? Do you need a reason to get out of the house and on the trails on a weeknight? Then Wednesday Night Lights is the ski group for you. Our loosely-knit band of adult skiers meets at 7 pm every Wednesday to go for a group ski and/or the occasional organized workout. The best part, however, is the après-ski in the clubhouse where we get the chance to share some snacks and catch-up with old and new friends. There is no additional fee for this group beyond your annual membership or the night skiing drop in fee for non-members. Skiers of all ability levels are welcome.

School Groups
Group rates and instruction
The following information is provided for elementary school groups wishing to use the North Bay Nordic Ski Club. Please let us know in advance when your school would like to use our trails to make sure we have sufficient rentals and personnel on hand. Available dates will be posted on an events calendar (link below).
For more information, email: [email protected]
School Group Rates
Elementary schools and authorized groups can purchase a one-time School Membership per calendar year. This allows all students from varying grades to use our trails on school days as part of a school outing. Schools that wish to come but do not purchase a membership will be charged the normal student and adult daily rates. The trail fees should be collected by the supervising teacher and paid at the Snack Bar on arrival at each visit. Receipts will be provided.
School Group Membership fee $150 +HST
Ski rental package $8 +HST
Snowshoe rental package $6 +HST
It is important to let us know when your school would like to use our trails to make sure we have sufficient rentals and personnel on hand. Available dates are posted on our website on the events calendar. To reserve a date, e-mail the school liaison. If your event is cancelled, please contact the club at 705-495-0332 and notify [email protected] We will let you know if the trails are closed due to poor or unsafe trail conditions.
Click HERE for link to School Group Booking Calendar
School Group Day Use and Equipment Rental Form
Please list all the students and adults who will be participating. For participants requiring rentals, fill in the shoe size, ski size and pole size (refer to School Programs Brochure for the sizing guide). Email the School Group Day Use and Equipment Rental Form to the club two days prior to your visit.
A copy of your student list will be kept at the club so that the equipment can be ready for you on your next scheduled arrival. If equipment rental is not required please check off the column next to the student's name. We require a record of all participants for billing purposes.
We have an adequate supply of ski equipment for rent for skiers of all sizes. Skate skis are not included in the school rentals. School membership groups are offered a complete set of equipment (boots, skis and poles) at a cost per student. We can equip a group of 25-30 students in any grade starting from grades 4 to 12. The equipment rental fees are due at each visit and can be paid to the Snack Bar staff once everyone is equipped. All equipment needs to be returned to the snack bar before departure.
Click school_brochure_2025.pdf to download School Program Guide
Click school_group_day_use_and_equipment_rental_form_2025.pdf to download School Group Day Use Guide
- backpacks are to be kept downstairs
- ensure students place boots out of the walkways
- returned skis are to be placed with tips up
- returned boots are to be placed on the boot rack
- all equipment must be returned to the clubhouse prior to departure
- students are encouraged to bring water bottles
- teachers should ensure all trash and litter is picked up and put into the appropriate containers
Organized school group instruction is offered through the club. School group lessons are offered at an additional cost on top of rentals and school membership. The instructors will manage every part of your visit from equipping students, to instruction, to handling club administration. Contact the club well in advance to ensure instructors are available on a given date.
All teachers need to check with their board’s policy on adult/student ratio for cross country skiing outings. Parents or other adults who accompany school groups as supervisors can ski with the students as part of the school membership without paying a trail fee. The policy of the North Bay Nordic Ski Club is 12 students to 1 adult. Any additional adults or adults accompanying students from schools without a membership will need to purchase a day membership of $16.00. All student groups must be accompanied by responsible adults, and supervised at all times, both on the trails and in the clubhouse. The snack bar staff must receive a list of all group members for that day of skiing.
If parents are accompanying school groups, teachers should advise parents in advance that NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED, not even on a leash. Schools will be responsible to reimburse the North Bay Nordic Ski Club for any damage to its property caused by students or supervisors.