Volunteering at the North Bay Nordic Ski Club
Much has changed since the official incorporation of the not-for-profit North Bay Nordic Ski Club in 1977 - the appearance of the trails, the snow grooming equipment, the clubhouse and facilities, the clothing we wear, the ski equipment we use, and skiing techniques themselves. However, through all these changes, one thing remain constant at the North Bay Nordic Ski Club, it's greatest asset: the sprit and commitment of the volunteers!
The club was founded by and continues to be managed entirely by volunteers. While some of the operations are supported by part-time and seasonal staff, the success of the club is due to the strong commitment from its many volunteers. Volunteering helps foster the positive and friendly atmosphere of the club. As a volunteer you get to work with other members who share the desire to see the club be sustainable, grow, and succeed into the future.
To name all volunteers over the years would be impossible, but the club is certainly dedicated to the thousands of hours spent each year by our volunteers.
North Bay Nordic Club members support the club by volunteering their time and energy, including professional services, in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to:
- Summer and fall trail maintenance and improvements, which includes trail clearing and brushing, culvert cleaning and repairs, excavator work, removing rocks and debris, trail light repair and replacement, bridge repair and construction, and considerable time spent on paperwork for trail work permitting, new trail construction, land use management, and liaising with goverment regulators and land owners.
- Building, facilities, and property maintenance and improvements, both inside and out. Including everything from cleaning up the clubhouse and yard, to painting, roofing repair and replacement, moving firewood, building fences, and the construction and maintenance of accessory buildings.
- Maintaining membership forms, Zone4 registration, member and program databases, and membership buttons
- Early season trail preparation, grooming, and last minute trail maintenance before the grooming staff take over for the season
- Coordinating trail grooming, managing grooming staff, and maintaining equipment and supplies
- Supporting and managing staff with the preparation and operation of the clubhouse and Jackrabbit programs
- Communications, updates to social media, and the website
- Fundraising, grant writing, and soliciting sponsorship / donations
- Managing skier development programs, lessons, Jackrabbits, and Bunnyrabbits
- Coordinating and supporting school group visits
- Managing and coaching racing programs and travelling to race events with athletes
- Planning, organizing, and running social events
- Planning, organizing, and running race events, with large provincial level events seeing over 300 racers and 50 to 100 volunteers per day!!
- Serving on the board of directors as committee chairs and as committee members
- Organizing and chairing meetings, development and maintenance of by-laws and policies, and other club documents
- Liaising with and disseminating information from the Northern Ontario Ski Division, Cross Country Ski Ontario, and Nordiq Canada
- And most importantly, keeping track of club financials, managing bookkeeping, writing and signing cheques, filing receipts, preparing financial statements, filing returns, and developing budgets!
Our volunteers do not seek special recognition, but if you see one out at the club, or on the trails, give them a smile and a wave! There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes and we're all grateful!